10 driving habits that will improve your daily safety

The RAE defines the word habit as “special way of proceeding or behaving acquired by repetition of equal or similar acts, or originated by instinctive tendencies”. For a good percentage of the population, driving is a habit, a routine that…

Categories: Tips and Tricks

Top 10 Tips Safe Car Hire & Cheap Travel

Top 10 Tips Safe Car Hire and Cheap Travel forever. So you’re going on vacation. Make sure you arrive at your destination and get around it, with the least hassle and expense possible. Most holidays require you to rent a…

Categories: Car, Tips and Tricks

Formula 1 Bets – Start in pole position and win

Get out of the pits, earn the pole position, accelerate to the maximum and brake sharply. Narrow curve, overtaking in speed, protagonists of the circus … What are we talking about? None other than Formula 1, the world linked to…

Categories: Tips and Tricks

3 Tips for Buying a Used Luxury Vehicle

The best way to save money on vehicles is to buy them used, especially after one to three years of use where someone else has paid the depreciation. But, how do you find a vehicle that is in a nearly…

Categories: Tips and Tricks

10 things you do wrong when you drive

If we want to generalize, we could say that everyone who has a license in force knows how to drive a vehicle. But in reality, do you know how to drive without unconsciously damaging your car? Without knowing it, we…

Categories: Tips and Tricks

Should you buy a bike or rent it?

To be (carrying your bike to a remote place) or not to be (carrying your bike to a remote place) is the original question? In this article, I will try to solve a dilemma which even Shakespeare couldn’t. Now that’s…

Categories: Tips and Tricks